WIL - Work Integration Luxembourg

Zarabina asbl. offers a 4-week orientation workshop to prepare refugees for the labour market in Luxembourg.

The workshop is addressed to people who have received the refugee or subsidiary protection status.

The objectives of our project are:

  • Assistance in planning the next steps for starting a career or for a new professional approach.
  • Awareness of the own abilities, knowledge, competencies and qualifications collected throughout the former life.
  • Pointing out career paths according to the job market requirements.
  • Getting to know the specifics of the Luxemburgish job market, the statutory provisions and what does the everyday business life look like in Luxembourg.
  • Developing new perspectives and new possibilities.

Using different methods, we will help to analyze the current situation of the participants and to establish an individual competency profile.
Besides the professional orientation, we offer also an application training and create individual application documents with the participants.