As an alternative or in addition to the individual consultation, Zarabina also offers the seminar "Tremplin - professional career planning".
"Tremplin" is addressed to women and men who are looking for a job or want to (re)orient themselves as well as to people who are looking for a new professional challenge, where they can use their strengths in a more focused way.

In this 4-week seminar the participants have the chance to exchange experiences, to become aware of their competences and to develop an individual plan of action for the next steps towards the labour market.

"Tremplin" invites to deal with private and professional decisions and provides elements for a long-term career planning. Participants receive specific information, practical help and creative impulses for a (new) career start. "Tremplin" encourages appreciation and knowledge of one's own talents, abilities and achievements. It helps participants to deal with their personal values, strategies and goals.


"Tremplin - professional career planning" takes place twice a year in French. Participation is free of charge.

If you would like to plan your upcoming career with us, please contact your ADEM advisor.