ddn - The Demographic Network


Zarabina joined the “Das Demographie Netzwerk” (DDN) in 2011.  This association was founded in March 2006 at the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA) [Initiative for New Quality of Work]. The DDN provides national and international players with an interesting platform.

The aim of the DDN is to react to the demographic change and to promote work and employability for workers who are growing older. The network sees itself as a platform for businesses that position themselves optimally for older workers and wish to stay competitive.

At the centre of the DDN are work circles on the topic of “health,”  “work organization and structuring,” “qualification, further education, learning,” “securing the future and retirement pension.”

The members of the DDN undertake to implement in their companies the DDN rules for a fair demographic and respectful personnel policy. One of these rules is: “We show how a career can run for years to come as regards to age. In so doing, we want to open up new occupational prospects for older workers too.”

They moreover undertake to create working conditions in their companies that:

  • ensure the productive integration of different generations, genders and ethnic groups;
  • make respectful cooperation between the different groups of workers possible, and
  • secure the long-term preservation of employability of all workers.

For more information on this topic, go to http://www.demographie-netzwerk.de/