

Preliminary announcement of the seminar Work Integration Luxembourg

Integration into the Luxembourg labor market can mean a whole new world for people with refugee status. In addition to unfamiliar professional fields and job profiles, working conditions and company values often differ from previous experiences. [more]

Guidance and counselling

Individual guidance and counselling

We offer an active lifelong educational and vocational guidance for men and women [more]

Further Training

Vocational training for "Office-Assistentin"

Our ten-month training course will make you fit for the job [more]


Courses and seminars

Education is the key to success on the labour market [more]

All courses, further training schemes and individual guidance and counselling from Zarabina are free of charge.

This is made possible with the support of the Minister of Labour, and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, as well as the Municipalities of Esch-sur-Alzette, Roeser and Steinfort.